
Picture File Upload

You can now send your photos of vintage bicycles, autos, etc. for inclusion in our picture databases.

IMPORTANT: Be sure you have ownership of these pictures. Please send pictures you or someone you know has taken. Please respect other people's copyrights!

Step 1: Choose the file to upload by clicking on the "Browse..." button below. If you do not see a "Browse..." button, your web browser does not support file uploads and you should upgrade to a more recent version of your browser. note: Maximum file size is 100 KB
File to upload:

Step 2: Enter a Description of your picture. Include as much information as you can, including year, make, model, photo credit and email address (email address is optional):

Step 3: Upload the picture to our database:
(After hitting this button, scroll down to the bottom of this page and look for a success or failure message)